Litecoin is a globally traded asset on cryptoexchanges all over the world:
Short list of exchanges that offer LTC to USD pairs as of 4/24/20 from
Each exchange has their own users who buy and sell Litecoin. The advertised price that you see for that exchange is simply the last USD price someone bought LTC. To get a better understanding of how this works, read how traders place orders on a cryptocurrency exchange.
In light of this, LTC price can be different on different exchanges. For example, one exchange might suddenly have a giant market buy from an individual(s) on their platform and temporarily push the market price of Litecoin higher than other advertised prices.
The Aggregated Litecoin Price
Cryptowallets, brokerages, and LTC price tickers like the one above tend to display the aggregated price of Litecoin. For example, they’ll pull the LTC price listed on Gemini and Kraken and find the average between the different exchanges. This is the price that you will often see on wallets such as Jax or Litewallet. So don’t be surprised if the total value in your Litecoin wallet is slightly different when you go to an exchange and sell it!
Want to buy Litecoin? Follow this easy step by step guide on how to buy Litecoin and get setup in a matter of minutes!